Quantum gas microscopes

In our group we have two experiments in which we can observe and manipulate single ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, one using fermionic Potassium-40 atoms and one with bosonic Rubidium-87.

Ultracold atoms in optical lattices offer unique possibilities as quantum simulators for the study of many-body quantum systems, relevant for example to material science and other disciplines. To further enhance the capabilities of these systems, we use programmable static and dynamically varying light potentials. Our approach uses a spatial light modulator to create arbitrary potentials that project onto the atoms with sub-wavelength resolution using a high-resolution optical microscope. The same microscope setup enables us to detect the atoms in a two-dimensional optical lattice with single-lattice-site resolution (see the images of atomic clouds below).

We can use these potentials to alter the lattice geometry that the atoms experience. Recently we have studied incommensurate states in one dimension which we created by initializing a fixed number of atoms in between two movable barriers [Nat Commun 15, 474 (2024)]. In the future we want to study interesting many-body quantum phenomena in one and two dimensions using our bosons and fermions.

Update July 2024:
We are looking for a Postdoc to join our team. Please see here.

Prof. Dr. S. Kuhr
Dr. A. La Rooij


Quantum-gas microscopy with K40
We study ultracold and degenerate fermionic Potassium-40 atoms in a square optical lattice. We were among the first in the world to see individual fermionic atoms in a quantum gas microscope (see link). Our lab has been recognised as the coldest place in Scotland in 2017. Recently we have implemented Raman Sideband cooling and we aim to use this experiment to discover new physics in the Fermi-Hubbard model in the upcomming years.
Quantum-gas microscopy with K<sup>40</sup>
Quantum-gas microscopy with Rb87
In this experiment we study ultracold and degenrate bosonic Rubidium atoms in a square optical lattice. We use high resolution static and dynamic programmable potentials to modify the lattice potential that traps the atoms.
Quantum-gas microscopy with Rb<sup>87</sup>

Latest News

Commensurate and incommensurate 1D interacting quantum systems
We use dynamically varying microscopic light potentials in a quantum-gas microscope to study commensurate and incommensurate 1D systems of interacting bosonic atoms in an optical lattice Nat Communications 15, 474 (2024).
Comparison of deconvolution techniques
We use simulated images to determine the fidelity of detecting single atoms in an optical lattice in the presence of noise, inhomogeneous fluorescence, for parameter regimes relevant to other quantum-gas microscope experiments New J. Phys. 25, 083036 (2023).
Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling
Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling Scientific Reports 13, 3252 (2023).
Microwave preparation of two-dimensional fermionic spin mixtures
We present a method for preparing a single two-dimensional sample of a two-spin mixture of fermionic potassium in a single antinode of an optical lattice New J. Phys. 21 013020 (2010).
Sub-Doppler laser cooling of 40K
We show that efficient gray molasses can be implemented on the D2 line of 40K with red-detuned lasers J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 095002 (2017).



James Howell

PhD student


Lorenzo Carfona

PhD student


Paul Catterson

PhD student


Prof Stefan Kuhr



Paul Schroff

PhD student


Christopher Parsonage

PhD student


Lennart Koehn

PhD student

Recent publications

Commensurate and incommensurate 1D interacting quantum systems. Nature Communications 15, 474 (2024).


Generating Multiparticle Entangled States by Self-Organization of Driven Ultracold Atoms. Physical Review Letters 131, 163602 (2023).


A comparative study of deconvolution techniques for quantum-gas microscope images. New Journal of Physics (2023).


Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling. Scientific Reports 13, (2023).


The quantum technologies roadmap: a European community view. New Journal of Physics 20, 080201 (2018).