
Stefan Kuhr is Head of the Department of Physics. His current research work focuses on single-atom resolved manipulation and detection of ultracold atoms in optical lattices (details). Stefan joined the Physics Department of the University of Strathclyde in 2011 and holds the SUPA Chair of Quantum Information. From 2007 - 2011 he has been working as a senior scientist at the University of Mainz and the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching. Stefan received his PhD in 2003 in Bonn and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris from 2003 - 2006.

Fellowships, stipends and prizes

  • 2011 Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP)
  • 2011 ERC Starting Grant
  • 2007 Research Fellowship of the Carl-Zeiss-Foundation
  • 2003 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
  • 2003 PhD thesis award of the Physics Department, Universität Bonn
    Commensurate and incommensurate 1D interacting quantum systems. Nature Communications 15, 474 (2024).

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    A comparative study of deconvolution techniques for quantum-gas microscope images. New Journal of Physics (2023).

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    Instabilities of interacting matter waves in optical lattices with Floquet driving. Physical Review Research 5, 033024 (2023).

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    Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling. Scientific Reports 13, (2023).

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    Floquet solitons and dynamics of periodically driven matter waves with negative effective mass. Physical Review Letters 127, (2021).

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    Collisionally inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates with a linear interaction gradient. Physical Review Letters 125, (2020).

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    Excitation modes of bright matter-wave solitons. Physical Review Letters 123, (2019).

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    Interferometric measurement of micro-g acceleration with levitated atoms. New Journal of Physics 21, 053028 (2019).

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    Zooming in on ultracold matter: two superresolution microscopy methods can image the atomic density of ultracold quantum gases with nanometer resolution. Physics 12, 36–37 (2019).

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    Microwave preparation of two-dimensional fermionic spin mixtures. New Journal of Physics 21, (2019).

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