
Multiple Self-Organized Phases and Spatial Solitons in Cold Atoms Mediated by Optical Feedback
Physical Review Letters 126, 203201 (2021)
Spontaneous atomic crystallization via diffractive dephasing in optical cavities
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1919, 012014 (2021)
Abstract The design of an experiment on the spontaneous crystallization of a laser-cooled, but thermal atomic cloud into a hexagonally …
Inversion-symmetry breaking in spin patterns by a weak magnetic field
Physical Review A 99, 053851 (2019)
Magnetic phase diagram of light-mediated spin structuring in cold atoms
Optica 5, 1322 (2018)
Spontaneous light-mediated magnetism in cold atoms
Communications Physics 1, 1–9 (2018)
Cold atom setups are now commonly employed in simulations of condensed matter phenomena. We present an approach to induce strong …
Thick-medium model of transverse pattern formation in optically excited cold two-level atoms with a feedback mirror
Physical Review A 96, 053806 (2017)
Optical pattern formation with a two-level nonlinearity
Physical Review A 92, 013820 (2015)
Optomechanical self-structuring in a cold atomic gas
Nature Photonics 8, 321–325 (2014)
Kinetic Theory for Transverse Optomechanical Instabilities
Physical Review Letters 112, 043901 (2014)
We investigate transverse symmetry-breaking instabilities emerging from the optomechanical coupling between light and the translational …
Dissipative solitons in the coupled dynamics of light and cold atoms
Optics Express 21, 26144 (2013)