
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 223601 (2022) - First and Second Sound in a Compressible 3D Bose Fluid
Continuous Acceleration Sensing Using Optomechanical Droplets
Atoms 12, 15 (2024)
We show that a Bose–Einstein Condensate illuminated by a far off-resonant optical pump field and its retroreflection from a feedback …
Generating Multiparticle Entangled States by Self-Organization of Driven Ultracold Atoms
Physical Review Letters 131, 163602 (2023)
We describe a mechanism for guiding the dynamical evolution of ultracold atomic motional degrees of freedom toward multiparticle …
Quantum enhanced SU(1,1) matter-wave interferometry in a ring cavity
Physical Review A 108, 043302 (2023)
Quantum squeezed states offer metrological enhancement as compared to their classical counterparts. Here, we devise and numerically …
Long-range interactions in a quantum gas mediated by diffracted light
Physical Review Research 5, L032004 (2023)
A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) interacting with an optical field via a feedback mirror can be a realization of the quantum …
Coupling of magnetic and optomechanical structuring in cold atoms
Physical Review A 105, 063508 (2022)
Dynamics of optomechanical droplets in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Physical Review A 105, 063305 (2022)
Ground-state coherence versus orientation: Competing mechanisms for light-induced magnetic self-organization in cold atoms
Physical Review A 105, 023505 (2022)
Rotating and spiraling spatial dissipative solitons of light and cold atoms
Physical Review A 105, 023318 (2022)
Self-Organization in Cold Atoms Mediated by Diffractive Coupling
Atoms 9, 35 (2021)
This article discusses self-organization in cold atoms via light-mediated interactions induced by feedback from a single …