
Coupling of magnetic and optomechanical structuring in cold atoms
Physical Review A 105, 063508 (2022)
Dynamics of optomechanical droplets in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Physical Review A 105, 063305 (2022)
First and Second Sound in a Compressible 3D Bose Fluid
Physical Review Letters 128, 223601 (2022)
Realizing the symmetry-protected Haldane phase in Fermi–Hubbard ladders
Nature 606, 484–488 (2022)
Topology in quantum many-body systems has profoundly changed our understanding of quantum phases of matter. The model that has played …
Silicon nitride waveguide polarization rotator and polarization beam splitter for chip-scale atomic systems
APL Photonics 7, 046101 (2022)
The design, fabrication, and characterization of a silicon nitride waveguide polarization rotator and polarization beam splitter that …
Accurate optically pumped magnetometer based on Ramsey-style interrogation
Optics Letters 47, 1230 (2022)
Light–atom interactions during spin preparation and readout in optically pumped magnetometers can lead to inaccuracies. We demonstrate …
Demonstration of a Compact Magneto-Optical Trap on an Unstaffed Aerial Vehicle
Atoms 10, 32 (2022)
The extraordinary performance offered by cold atom-based clocks and sensors has the opportunity to profoundly affect a range of …
Ground-state coherence versus orientation: Competing mechanisms for light-induced magnetic self-organization in cold atoms
Physical Review A 105, 023505 (2022)
Rotating and spiraling spatial dissipative solitons of light and cold atoms
Physical Review A 105, 023318 (2022)
Strong coupling and active cooling in a finite-temperature hybrid atom-cavity system
Physical Review A 105, 013707 (2022)