Template for simple page

We have demonstrated high-fidelity randomised benchmarking of single qubit microwave gates across an array of 225 atoms using conventional readout techniques using strings of up to 1000 random gates. We achieved an average gate error of 8×10-5 which is below the threshold for fault tolerant operations, highlighting the viability of neutral atoms for scalable computing.
We further demonstrated non-destructive readout using state-selective imaging on the stretched state transition to enable post-selection for loss and avoiding the requirement to reload the arrays after every sequence.
For more details see our paper on the arXiv:2301.10510 (2023)."
Examples for markdown
Headline 1
Headline 2
Headline 3
Make this text italic
Make this text bold
- Make a list
- of a few items
Strike through this text.
Create a block quote reference.
not sure what this does
This is a link markdown examples
This is an image in images folder of page
This is the same image with title and caption. (The syntax with {{}} is called a shortcode)
This is a caption
This is a title
Option | Description |
data | You can use this syntax to create a table. |
engine | This is already extreme markdowning |