
Scalable Qubit Arrays (SQuAre)
This project is an EPSRC Prosperity Partnership with M Squared Lasers that aims to develop a new platform for quantum computing based on scalable arrays of neutral atoms that is able to overcome the challenges to scaling of competing technologies. We will develop new hardware to cool and trap arrays of over 100 qubits that will be used to perform both analogue and digital quantum simulation by exploiting the strong long-range interactions of highly excited Rydberg atoms. Together with the quantum software team lead by Prof. Andrew Daley, we will design new analogue and digital algorithms tailored for the neutral-atom platform to target industrially-relevant computation and optimisation problems.
Scalable Qubit Arrays (SQuAre)
Rydberg atom quantum technologies
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53, 012002 (2020)
Entanglement of neutral-atom qubits with long ground-Rydberg coherence times
Quantum Science and Technology 4, 015011 (2018)
Sub-kilohertz excitation lasers for quantum information processing with Rydberg atoms
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 35, 892 (2018)
ARC:Alkali Rydberg Calculator
An open-source python library for calculating properties of Alkali Rydberg atoms developed with Nikola Sibalic, Charles Adams and Kevin Weatherill at JQC in Durham. Full details on the arXiv:1612.05529 - download source from GitHub.

ARC:Alkali Rydberg Calculator
ARC: An open-source library for calculating properties of alkali Rydberg atoms
Computer Physics Communications 220, 319–331 (2017)
Single atom imaging with an sCMOS camera
Applied Physics Letters 111, 164102 (2017)
Single atom imaging requires discrimination of weak photon count events above the background and has typically been performed using …
Optimized coplanar waveguide resonators for a superconductor–atom interface
Applied Physics Letters 109, 092602 (2016)
We describe the design and characterization of superconducting coplanar waveguide cavities tailored to facilitate strong coupling …
Long working distance objective lenses for single atom trapping and imaging
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 073107 (2016)
We present a pair of optimized objective lenses with long working distances of 117 mm and 65 mm, respectively, that offer diffraction …
Measurement of holmium Rydberg series through magneto-optical trap depletion spectroscopy
Physical Review A 91, 012507 (2015)
We report measurements of the absolute excitation frequencies of Ho165 4f116sns and 4f116snd odd-parity Rydberg series. The states are …