
Talbot-enhanced, maximum-visibility imaging of condensate interference
Optica 5, 80 (2018)
Detection of applied and ambient forces with a matter-wave magnetic gradiometer
Physical Review A 96, 053622 (2017)
Orientational effects on the amplitude and phase of polarimeter signals in double-resonance atomic magnetometry
Physical Review A 96, 013429 (2017)
High-precision control of static magnetic field magnitude, orientation, and gradient using optically pumped vapour cell magnetometry
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 043109 (2017)
Grating chips for quantum technologies
Scientific Reports 7, 384 (2017)
Abstract We have laser cooled 3 × 10 6 87 Rb atoms to 3 μK in a micro-fabricated grating magneto-optical trap (GMOT), enabling future …
Design and fabrication of diffractive atom chips for laser cooling and trapping
Applied Physics B 122, 172 (2016)
Diffraction-grating characterization for cold-atom experiments
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33, 1271 (2016)
Cavity-enhanced frequency up-conversion in rubidium vapor
Optics Letters 41, 2177 (2016)
Utilising diffractive optics towards a compact, cold atom clock
2016 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) 1–2 (2016)
Comparison of beam generation techniques using a phase only spatial light modulator
Optics Express 24, 6249 (2016)