
Cold-atom clock based on a diffractive optic
Optics Express 27, 38359 (2019)
Radio-frequency microplasmas with energies suited to textitin situ selective cleaning of surface adsorbates in ion microtraps
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Towards a compact atomic clock based on coherent population trapping and the grating magneto-optical trap
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Spiral bandwidth of four-wave mixing in Rb vapour
Communications Physics 1, 84 (2018)
Abstract Laguerre-Gauss beams, and more generally the orbital angular momentum of light (OAM) provide valuable research tools for …
Vector Magnetometry Exploiting Phase-Geometry Effects in a Double-Resonance Alignment Magnetometer
Physical Review Applied 10, 034035 (2018)
Spinor Bose-Einstein-condensate phase-sensitive amplifier for SU(1,1) interferometry
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Characterization of a Fast Piezoelectric Varifocal MEMS Mirror
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Free-Induction-Decay Magnetometer Based on a Microfabricated Cs Vapor Cell
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Intensity stabilisation of optical pulse sequences for coherent control of laser-driven qubits
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Raman-Ramsey CPT with a grating magneto-optical trap
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