
A simple imaging solution for chip-scale laser cooling
Applied Physics Letters 119, 184002 (2021)
We demonstrate a simple stacked scheme that enables absorption imaging through a hole in the surface of a grating magneto-optical trap …
Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective
AVS Quantum Science 3, 039201 (2021)
Atomtronics deals with matter-wave circuits of ultracold atoms manipulated through magnetic or laser-generated guides with different …
Stand-alone vacuum cell for compact ultracold quantum technologies
Applied Physics Letters 119, 124002 (2021)
Compact vacuum systems are key enabling components for cold atom technologies, facilitating extremely accurate sensing applications. …
Gouy phase-matched angular and radial mode conversion in four-wave mixing
Physical Review A 103, L021502 (2021)
A High-Frequency Tunable Piezoelectric MEMS Scanner for Fast Addressing Applications
2021 IEEE 34th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 294–297 (2021)