
Object detection and rangefinding with quantum states using simple detection
In a noisy environment with weak single levels, quantum illumination can outperform classical illumination in determining the presence …
Demonstration of a Quantum Gate Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
Physical Review Letters 129, 200501 (2022)
We demonstrate a native CNOT gate between two individually addressed neutral atoms based on electromagnetically induced transparency. …
High-fidelity multiqubit Rydberg gates via two-photon adiabatic rapid passage
Quantum Science and Technology 7, 045020 (2022)
Abstract We present a robust protocol for implementing high-fidelity multiqubit controlled phase gates ( C k Z ) on neutral atom …
Strong coupling and active cooling in a finite-temperature hybrid atom-cavity system
Physical Review A 105, 013707 (2022)
A practical compact source of heralded single photons for a simple detection LIDAR
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XIX 21 (2021)
Theoretical comparison of quantum and classical illumination for simple detection-based LIDAR
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XIX 5 (2021)
Gaussian state-based quantum illumination with simple photodetection
Optics Express 29, 8199 (2021)
Proofs of the quantum advantage available in imaging or detecting objects under quantum illumination can rely on optimal measurements …
Rydberg atom quantum technologies
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53, 012002 (2020)
Entanglement of neutral-atom qubits with long ground-Rydberg coherence times
Quantum Science and Technology 4, 015011 (2018)
Free-Induction-Decay Magnetometer Based on a Microfabricated Cs Vapor Cell
Physical Review Applied 10, 014002 (2018)