
Chip-Scale Packages for a Tunable Wavelength Reference and Laser Cooling Platform
Physical Review Applied 19, 044015 (2023)
Technology roadmap for cold-atoms based quantum inertial sensor in space
AVS Quantum Science 5, 019201 (2023)
Recent developments in quantum technology have resulted in a new generation of sensors for measuring inertial quantities, such as …
A grating-chip atomic fountain
Applied Physics Letters 121, 164001 (2022)
Cold atom fountain clocks provide exceptional long term stability as they increase interrogation time at the expense of a larger size. …
Micro-machined deep silicon atomic vapor cells
Journal of Applied Physics 132, 134401 (2022)
Using a simple and cost-effective water jet process, silicon etch depth limitations are overcome to realize a 6 mm deep atomic vapor …
Micro-fabricated components for cold atom sensors
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 091101 (2022)
Laser cooled atoms have proven transformative for precision metrology, playing a pivotal role in state-of-the-art clocks and …
A simple imaging solution for chip-scale laser cooling
Applied Physics Letters 119, 184002 (2021)
We demonstrate a simple stacked scheme that enables absorption imaging through a hole in the surface of a grating magneto-optical trap …
Stand-alone vacuum cell for compact ultracold quantum technologies
Applied Physics Letters 119, 124002 (2021)
Compact vacuum systems are key enabling components for cold atom technologies, facilitating extremely accurate sensing applications. …
A simple, powerful diode laser system for atomic physics
Applied Optics 60, 5832 (2021)
External-cavity diode lasers are ubiquitous in atomic physics and a wide variety of other scientific disciplines, due to their …
Gouy phase-matched angular and radial mode conversion in four-wave mixing
Physical Review A 103, L021502 (2021)
Laser cooling in a chip-scale platform
Applied Physics Letters 117, 054001 (2020)
Chip-scale atomic devices built around micro-fabricated alkali vapor cells are at the forefront of compact metrology and atomic …