
Imaging magnetic polarons in the doped Fermi–Hubbard model
Nature 572, 358–362 (2019)
Polarons—electronic charge carriers ‘dressed’ by a local polarization of the background environment—are among the most fundamental …
Can Three-Body Recombination Purify a Quantum Gas?
Physical Review Letters 123, 020405 (2019)
Direct observation of incommensurate magnetism in Hubbard chains
Nature 565, 56–60 (2019)
The interplay between magnetism and doping is at the origin of exotic strongly correlated electronic phases and can lead to novel forms …
Revealing hidden antiferromagnetic correlations in doped Hubbard chains via string correlators
Science 357, 484–487 (2017)
Spin-charge separation in atomic chains Strongly interacting electrons lined up along a string can experience the so-called …
Correlation properties and drift phenomena in the dynamics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with optical feedback
Optics Express 13, 2707 (2005)
Narrow linewidth operation of a tunable optically pumped semiconductor laser
Optics Express 12, 5434 (2004)