
Ultracold field-linked tetratomic molecules
Nature 626, 283–287 (2024)
Ultracold polyatomic molecules offer opportunities1 in cold chemistry2,3, precision measurements4 and quantum information …
Generating Multiparticle Entangled States by Self-Organization of Driven Ultracold Atoms
Physical Review Letters 131, 163602 (2023)
We describe a mechanism for guiding the dynamical evolution of ultracold atomic motional degrees of freedom toward multiparticle …
A comparative study of deconvolution techniques for quantum-gas microscope images
New Journal of Physics (2023)
Abstract Quantum-gas microscopes are used to study ultracold atoms in optical lattices at the single-particle level. In these system …
Universal equation of state for wave turbulence in a quantum gas
Nature 620, 521–524 (2023)
Boyle’s 1662 observation that the volume of a gas is, at constant temperature, inversely proportional to pressure, offered a …
Long-range interactions in a quantum gas mediated by diffracted light
Physical Review Research 5, L032004 (2023)
A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) interacting with an optical field via a feedback mirror can be a realization of the quantum …
Field-linked resonances of polar molecules
Nature 614, 59–63 (2023)
Magnetically mediated hole pairing in fermionic ladders of ultracold atoms
Nature 613, 463–467 (2023)
Conventional superconductivity emerges from pairing of charge carriers—electrons or holes—mediated by phonons1. In many unconventional …
Quantifying hole-motion-induced frustration in doped antiferromagnets by Hamiltonian reconstruction
Communications Materials 4, 64 (2023)
First and Second Sound in a Compressible 3D Bose Fluid
Physical Review Letters 128, 223601 (2022)
Realizing the symmetry-protected Haldane phase in Fermi–Hubbard ladders
Nature 606, 484–488 (2022)
Topology in quantum many-body systems has profoundly changed our understanding of quantum phases of matter. The model that has played …