
Distributed network of optically pumped magnetometers for space weather monitoring
Scientific Reports 14, 28229 (2024)
Abstract Spatial variation in the intensity of magnetospheric and ionospheric fluctuations during solar storms creates ground-induced …
778.1 nm distributed feedback lasers for Rb two-photon atomic systems with sub-4 kHz linewidths
APL Photonics 9, 056114 (2024)
A new epitaxial layer design with a double mode expander layer, high refractive index claddings, and an aluminum-free active area has …
Ultracold field-linked tetratomic molecules
Nature 626, 283–287 (2024)
Ultracold polyatomic molecules offer opportunities1 in cold chemistry2,3, precision measurements4 and quantum information …
A high-flux cold-atom source utilising a grating atom chip
arXiv (2024)
Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) have been proposed for many applications in atom interferometry, as their coherence over long …
A triaxial vectorization technique for a single-beam zero-field atomic magnetometer to suppress cross-axis projection error
arXiv (2024)
Zero-field optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) have emerged as an important technology for biomagnetism due to their ulta-sensitive …
Demonstration of weighted graph optimization on a Rydberg atom array using local light-shifts
Neutral atom arrays have emerged as a versatile platform towards scalable quantum computation and optimization. In this paper we …
Longitudinal spin-relaxation optimization for miniaturized optically pumped magnetometers
arXiv (2024)
The microfabrication of cesium vapor cells for optically pumped magnetometry relies on optimization of buffer gas pressure in order to …
Single-beam grating-chip 3D and 1D optical lattices
arXiv (2024)
Ultracold atoms are crucial for unlocking truly precise and accurate quantum metrology, and provide an essential platform for quantum …
Optimal binary gratings for multi-wavelength magneto-optical traps
Optics Express 31, 40871–40880 (2023)
Grating magneto-optical traps are an enabling quantum technology for portable metrological devices with ultracold atoms. However, beam …
Generating Multiparticle Entangled States by Self-Organization of Driven Ultracold Atoms
Physical Review Letters 131, 163602 (2023)
We describe a mechanism for guiding the dynamical evolution of ultracold atomic motional degrees of freedom toward multiparticle …