
New team member
Omar Moutamani joined the team as a PhD student. Welcome Omar!
New team member
New team member
Robbie Cruickshank joined the team as a PhD student. Welcome Robbie!
New team member
Conference ECAMP14
Matt Mitchell presented our results at the ECAMP14 in Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference ECAMP14
Finess Meeting 2022
Our results about Floquet solitons were presented at the FINESS meeting 2022 in St. Martin, Germany
Finess Meeting 2022
ICONIQ Workshop 2022
Finally, it is again possible to have face-to-face meetings. We presented our results at the ICONIQ Workshop, Imperial College, London.
ICONIQ Workshop 2022
PhD viva of Dr Andrea Di Carli

Congratulations to Dr Andrea Di Carli for his PhD viva. Well done."

PhD viva of Dr Andrea Di Carli
New team member
Matt Mitchell joined the team as a PhD student. Welcome Matt!
New team member
PhD viva of Dr Craig Colquhoun

Congratulations to Dr Craig Colquhoun for his PhD viva. Well done."

PhD viva of Dr Craig Colquhoun