
The quantum technologies roadmap: a European community view
New Journal of Physics 20, 080201 (2018)
Characterization of a Fast Piezoelectric Varifocal MEMS Mirror
2018 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) 1–5 (2018)
Free-Induction-Decay Magnetometer Based on a Microfabricated Cs Vapor Cell
Physical Review Applied 10, 014002 (2018)
Holographically controlled three-dimensional atomic population patterns
Optics Express 26, 18513 (2018)
Rotation-dependent nonlinear absorption of orbital angular momentum beams in ruby
Optics Letters 43, 3073 (2018)
Spontaneous light-mediated magnetism in cold atoms
Communications Physics 1, 1–9 (2018)
Cold atom setups are now commonly employed in simulations of condensed matter phenomena. We present an approach to induce strong …
Mapping the dynamical regimes of a SESAM mode-locked VECSEL with a long cavity using time series analysis
Optics Express 26, 16624 (2018)
Intensity stabilisation of optical pulse sequences for coherent control of laser-driven qubits
Applied Physics B 124, 90 (2018)
Raman-Ramsey CPT with a grating magneto-optical trap
2018 European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) 61–64 (2018)
Sub-kilohertz excitation lasers for quantum information processing with Rydberg atoms
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 35, 892 (2018)