
Optical analogues of the Newton–Schrödinger equation and boson star evolution
Nature Communications 7, 13492 (2016)
Abstract Many gravitational phenomena that lie at the core of our understanding of the Universe have not yet been directly observed. An …
Spin- and density-resolved microscopy of antiferromagnetic correlations in Fermi-Hubbard chains
Science 353, 1257–1260 (2016)
The repulsive Hubbard Hamiltonian is one of the foundational models describing strongly correlated electrons and is believed to capture …
Optimized coplanar waveguide resonators for a superconductor–atom interface
Applied Physics Letters 109, 092602 (2016)
We describe the design and characterization of superconducting coplanar waveguide cavities tailored to facilitate strong coupling …
Synthetic magnetism for photon fluids
Physical Review A 94, 023805 (2016)
Long working distance objective lenses for single atom trapping and imaging
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 073107 (2016)
We present a pair of optimized objective lenses with long working distances of 117 mm and 65 mm, respectively, that offer diffraction …
Role of geometry in the superfluid flow of nonlocal photon fluids
Physical Review A 94, 013849 (2016)
Design and fabrication of diffractive atom chips for laser cooling and trapping
Applied Physics B 122, 172 (2016)
Diffraction-grating characterization for cold-atom experiments
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33, 1271 (2016)
Quantum-gas microscopes: a new tool for cold-atom quantum simulators
National Science Review 3, 170–172 (2016)
Cavity-enhanced frequency up-conversion in rubidium vapor
Optics Letters 41, 2177 (2016)