
Inductively guided circuits for ultracold dressed atoms
Nature Communications 5, 5289 (2014)
Abstract Recent progress in optics, atomic physics and material science has paved the way to study quantum effects in ultracold atomic …
Complexity in pulsed nonlinear laser systems interrogated by permutation entropy
Optics Express 22, 17840 (2014)
textasciicircum87Rb-stabilized 375-MHz Yb:fiber femtosecond frequency comb
Optics Express 22, 10494 (2014)
Inductive dressed ring traps for ultracold atoms
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47, 071001 (2014)
Microwave control of the interaction between two optical photons
Physical Review A 89, 043827 (2014)
A microwave field is used to control the interaction between pairs of optical photons stored in highly excited collective states …
Optomechanical self-structuring in a cold atomic gas
Nature Photonics 8, 321–325 (2014)
On the thermal dependence of the generation of terahertz radiation by photomixing
Semiconductor Science and Technology 29, 035006 (2014)
Experimental observation of localized structures in medium size VCSELs
Optics Express 22, 762 (2014)
Hybrid atom-photon quantum gate in a superconducting microwave resonator
Physical Review A 89, 010301 (2014)
We propose a hybrid quantum gate between an atom and a microwave photon in a superconducting coplanar waveguide cavity by exploiting …
Kinetic Theory for Transverse Optomechanical Instabilities
Physical Review Letters 112, 043901 (2014)
We investigate transverse symmetry-breaking instabilities emerging from the optomechanical coupling between light and the translational …