High-fidelity multi-qubit gate operations
We have developed a robust protocol for implementing high-fidelity multiqubit controlled phase gates (CkZ) on neutral atom qubits coupled to highly excited Rydberg states.

Atomic level scheme We model gate fidelities for two-level excitation including the full intermediate state hyperfine structure.

Three atom CCZ gate We show (a) optimal pulse parameters for the CCZ gate, (b) leakage errors from spontaneous decay and excitation of the intermediate excited state (c) Resulting phase and amplitude of the optimal gate sequence.

Four atom CCCZ Gate Optimal pulse shapes for 4 qubits in different geometries.
G. Pelegri, A. Daley and J.D. Pritchard, High-fidelity multiqubit Rydberg gates via two-photon adiabatic rapid passage, Quantum Sci. Technol. 7, 045020 (2022)