Simulation of fluorescence imaging of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice
Simulation of fluorescence imaging of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice

Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling

Scientific Reports 13, 3252 (2023).


Quantum-gas microscopes are used to study ultracold atoms in optical lattices at the singleparticle level. In these systems atoms are localised on lattice sites with separations close to or below the diffraction limit. To determine the lattice occupation with high fidelity, a deconvolution of the images is often required. We compare three different techniques, a local iterative deconvolution algorithm, Wiener deconvolution and the Lucy-Richardson algorithm, using simulated microscope images. We investigate how the reconstruction fidelity scales with varying signal-to-noise ratio, lattice filling fraction, varying fluorescence levels per atom, and imaging resolution. The results of this study identify the limits of singe-atom detection and provide quantitative fidelities which are applicable for different atomic species and quantum-gas microscope setups.