Research Associate in Experimental Ultracold Quantum Mixtures

We have an open position for a postdoctoral researcher to join the Quantum Fluids research team to help develop a state-of-the-art K-Rb quantum-mixture apparatus. The apparatus will enable studies of vortex dynamics in binary superfluids, with a particular emphasis on reduced dimensionality (e.g., quasi-2D disc, or quasi-1D ring geometries) where quantum fluctuations are enhanced.
We are seeking a highly motivated experimental researcher who will be responsible for continuing the development of the experimental platform, as well as benchmarking new techniques, and assisting in planning and implementing initial experiments on vortex dynamics in superfluid mixtures. The successful applicant will work closely with the Principle Investigator on both development of the experimental apparatus and running subsequent experiments, including developing pipelines for data analysis. They will be an integral part of the team comprised of the PI and a PGR student, and will assist with the training and mentoring of this student. This is an exciting time to join the team as we begin the build phase of the apparatus; vacuum chamber construction is anticipated for October 2024.
The successful applicant will be based in the Department of Physics under the supervision of Dr. Kali Wilson, within the Experimental Quantum Optics and Photonics group at Strathclyde. Candidates will have a PhD (or close to completion) in experimental atomic physics or have equivalent experience. Experience running an ultracold atom experiment would be of advantage, as would technical skills relevant to the trapping and manipulation of ultracold gases. Examples of relevant technical skills include basic electronics, development of FPGA devices, development of narrow-linewidth lasers, laser frequency stabilisation and control, image analysis, data acquisition, optical design and Gaussian beam propagation. An ability to prepare scientific publications and present research outcomes at local, national and international research meetings is expected.
See or contact for details.
- Closing date: September 4 2024
- Start date: From September 2024
- Contact: Dr Kali Wilson