Dr Paul Griffin

Dr Paul Griffin

Senior Lecturer

Physics of Department, Strathclyde


My work is focussed on the application of atomic, laser, and quantum techniques to precision measurement. At Strathclyde this falls under a number of different themes; atomic clocks, atom interferometry, atomic magnetometry, space quantum technologies, and scattering in ocean optics.

I studied for a BSc Physics from the University of Limerick before receiving my PhD in 2005 from Durham University. I went on to become a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA, from 2005-2007, after which I came to the University of Strathclyde to work in what was then the Photonics Group. I held a five-year Royal Society of Edinburgh Personal Research Fellowship starting in 2009. From 2010-2011 I was a Guest Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD, funded by an award from Marie Curie. In 2015 I was awarded a Chancellor’s Fellowship at Strathclyde.


PhD and postdoc positions in fundamental and applied research in atomic physics and quantum mechanics become available through the year. Please contact me directly for more information.

    Optimal binary gratings for multi-wavelength magneto-optical traps. Optics Express 31, 40871–40880 (2023).

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    Portable single-beam cesium zero-field magnetometer for magnetocardiography. Journal of Optical Microsystems 3, (2023).

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    Free-induction-decay magnetic field imaging with a microfabricated Cs vapor cell. Optics Express 31, 33582–33595 (2023).

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    Optical pumping enhancement of a free-induction-decay magnetometer. Journal of Optical Society of America B 40, 2664–2673 (2023).

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    Nitrogen buffer gas pressure tuning in a micro-machined vapor cell. Applied Physics Letters 123, (2023).

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    Silicon-nitride photonic integrated circuits for atomic systems: 2023 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2023. 2023 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM) (2023).

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    An additive-manufactured microwave cavity for a compact cold-atom clock. Journal of Applied Physics 133, 224401 (2023).

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    Automated Machine Learning Strategies for Multi-Parameter Optimisation of a Caesium-Based Portable Zero-Field Magnetometer. Sensors 23, 4007 (2023).

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    Technology roadmap for cold-atoms based quantum inertial sensor in space. AVS Quantum Science 5, 019201 (2023).

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    Cold-atom shaping with MEMS scanning mirrors. Optics Letters 48, 37 (2023).

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